Thursday, January 27, 2011

Post Live Stream Analysis / Summary

Posted by Larknok1 | Thursday, January 27, 2011 | Category: |

The entire live stream, being around 4 hours or so long, had a lot of highlights and a lot of down-time. If anything significant is missed in this post live stream analysis / summary, please feel free to comment below.

The live stream launched at around 5:50 PM (EST) on Wednesday 1/26/2011. For the first 40 minutes, the hosts (Carnage, Venom, and Pico) fooled around on camera along with a SEGA executive (Fabian.)
At around 6:30 PM (EST,) Matt Corso, and Eric Nofsinger from HVS arrived at the scene, and the game was shining spectacularly. This was when I lost track of time. The following events occurred in the following order.
First, the first level was played twice (with a reset towards the end of the first time,) and again a little farther the second time. From this segment, we learned a lot of things. They are bulleted below:

* Orange soda machines in game as tributes to the fans.
* Multiple alien species.
* 'Free Drudge' are trying to liberate themselves from the rest of the Drudge, they have their own dialects of the Drudge writing.
* There are A LOT of hidden messages, conspiracy objects, scan-able things, etc.
* There are quite a few in number of cinematic events in the first level. For example: Opening cut-scene (wrench throw,) Adams talks to you on the TV, the Leviathan eats a guy, the Leviathan explodes a helicopter, the Leviathan drags a guy away, the Leviathan eats the Conduit Adams runs away into, etc. Just a lot of juicy, well made, beautiful cut-scenes.

Towards the end of the first level segment (which entails the entirety of part 1 that can be found here:,) my box-art for Conduit 1 even got a little mention. :) You can find that here if you're interested:

Then going into part 2 of the live stream (find it here:,) many, if not all of the perks and weapon descriptions were revealed as the player (Matt Corso I believe) put together 4 custom classes. Below I will list any and all that I can read from it:

Primary Weapons:
* SCAR: Fully automatic assault rifle. Zoom in using the scope to be deadly at any range! Category: Ballistics.
* SPAS 12: Pump action shotgun, loaded with anti-personnel flechettes. Deadly at short ranges, but damage drops off quickly outside of a few meters. Category: Ballistics.
* SMAW: Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon. Fires a HEDP rocket grenade, suitable against both personnel and hard targets. Category: Explosive.
* Carbonizer MK16: A trust heavy energy weapon, its particle beam can incinerate a target in seconds. The barrel can be toggled up to speed, slowing movement but allowing instantaneous fire when the trigger is pulled. Category: Energy.
* TPC Launcher: Fires energy grenades in an arcing trajectory. These grenades have a short blast radius so they can be used in reasonably close quarters. Switching to alternative fire lobs proximity triggered grenades that adhere to the environment. Category: Energy, Explosive.
* Strike Rifle: This semi-automatic rifle fires blasts of Drudge bio-mass and can be charged up to release a devastating beam attack. Linking to the user's nervous system, it can enhance vision, duplicating the effects of a human scope. Category: Energy.
* Hive Cannon: This fully automatic weapon fires non-autonomous Para-Mite larvae that streaks toward the target and detonates on impact. The alternative fire lobs a pheromone spore that draws all subsequent larvae shots toward it. Category: Ballistics, Explosive.
* Phase Rifle: An advanced sniper rifle using electromagnetic rails to fire a high caliber round. In scope mode, the round can be tuned to a target up to 10m through physical objects and uses phasing technology to deliver it through the blocking terrain. Category: Ballistics.
*Aegis Device: This weapon fires energy blasts, but its real power comes from its charge effect. While held, it generates a zero-point field that nullifies kinetic energy and stops and holds bullets, grenades, rockets and other projectiles fired at the user. Releasing the charge fires the collected projectiles forward. The field is limited in how much mass it can carry and only protects in front of the gun. Category: Energy.
* Dark Star: This ancient weapon fires a bizzare energy that adheres to targets it hits, inflicting damage over time. If a target dies while this energy is attached, the weapon's alternate fire becomes available. This launches a singularity that will float towards viable targets and attempt to draw them in, destroying them utterly. Category: Energy.
* AR-C Eclipse: The charge function absorbs light, rendering the wielder near-invisible to normal sight. As it fires shots, it heats up, doing more damage. The weapon will freeze up or overheat if either function is overused. Category: Energy.
* Windowmaker Turret: When placed fires fully automatic flechettes. It automatically detects targets, warning the user when a target is available, and can be fired with the separate controller. The controller can manually operate the turret by using the alternate function button. It is prone to overheating, and can be damaged by enemy fire. Category: Ballistics.

Secondary Weapons:
* USP45: German-made handgun chambered for the .45 ACP round. Known for stability and accuracy. Category: Ballistics.
* MP5KA4: 9mm submachine gun with a high rate of fire. Best at close combat, as it becomes less accurate at range. Category: Ballistics.
* Deatomizer Mk4: Semi-automatic energy weapon that fires bolts of plasma. It may function in either semi or fully automatic modes. When set in semi automatic mode, the Deatomizer may be charged to create an energy bola which can ensnare nearby enemies in an explosive blast. Category: Energy. Alt. Fire Category: Energy, Explosive.
* Warp Pistol: The lightest of the Drudge arsenal, this weapon fires semi-automatic blasts that will ricochet off of any surface. When charged it fires a cluster of shots with the same properties. Category: Energy. Note: Blasts will deal explosive damage once they ricochet.
* HVS45: This pistol fires High-Velocity Sabot tungsten penetrators, and has a laser sight and scope. Damage is high compared to other secondary weapons. Category: Ballistics.

* Frag Grenade: This is an anti-personnel fragmentation grenade. After deployment, it explodes after a few seconds, spreading deadly shrapnel over a radius. Category: Explosive.
* Flash Grenade: This is a non-lethal supression grenade that overloads the optical nerves of targets affected in its radius. It is used by trust agents to incapacitate targets for capture or to limit counterattack.
* Radiation Grenade: This Drudge weapon sticks to surfaces and targets on impact releasing unstable bio-mass. This produces a sizzling radius of intense heat that does significant damage over time. The mass stabilizes in a few seconds becoming inert. Category: Energy.

Primary Upgrade:
*Capacitoi: Description not seen but, Larknok's guess: Increased clip size.
* Heavy Armor: Description not seen but, Larknok's guess: Increased damage resistance.
* Explosive Focus: Increases the blast radius of explosive weapons and reduces explosive damage that you take.
* Ballistics Focus: Increases damage done by bullets and other solid projectiles.
* Energy Focus: Increases damage done by energy-based weaponry.
* Reverse Damage: Your radiation grenades heal friendly targets. They still damage enemies. Also, you start with an extra radiation grenade added to the other grenades selected in your loadout. Multiplayer only.
* Ammo Salvage: When you kill an opposing player: you have a chance to gain one clip worth of ammunition for each weapon and have a chance to gain a grenade. Maximum ammo carried is unaffected.
* Essence Salvage: Killing an opponent immediately triggers your health regeneration.
* Windowmaker Specialization: Your Windowmaker Turret fires at non-stealthed targets autonomously, requiring no input. You can still manually control it with the alternate function button.
* Stealth: You no longer appear on enemy radar and cannot be phase tuned by Phase Rifles. In addition, Windowmaker Turrets will no longer target you unless manually operated. Multiplayer only.
* AEGIS Specialization: The AEGIS Device will still block projectiles even when the maximum mass has been collected.
* Phase Rifle Specialization: Greatly increases Phase Rifle damage.

Secondary Upgrade A:
*Ammo Belt: You spawn with 2 extra clips of ammo for all weapons.
*Stabilizer: Your weapon accuracy is less affected by movement.
* Helmet: Headshots do no extra damage to you but your weapon accuracy is more affected by movement. Multiplayer only.
* Bomb Bag: Start with an additional grenade.
* Metal Legs: You have unlimited sprint.
* Phase Rifle Penetration: Increases the range through objects that your Phase Rifle can tune in on a target.

Secondary Upgrade B:
* Field Medicine: You can revive people and people can revive you twice as fast. Useable in multiplayer only.
* Blinding Powder: Your melee attacks cause a short stun effect on your target. Useable in multiplayer only.
* Mending: Your health regeneration is increased when crouched.
* Quickness: Speeds up how quickly you reload weapons and switch between them.
* Supercharger: Increases base movement speed. Useable in multiplayer only.

Secondary Upgrade C:
* Light Armor: Slight damage resistance.
* Improved Melee: Increases melee range slightly.
* Improved Explosives: Increases blast radius of explosive category weapons slightly.
* Improved Ballistics Damage: Increases damage of ballistics category weapons slightly.
* Improved Energy Damage: Increases damage of energy category weapons slightly.

Model Customization: (primary and secondary colors and changes to all of the below)
* Head
* Shoulders
* Arms
* Torso
* Legs
* Knees

Then they went on to play invasion on the map Serenity (which features an ancient Chinese landscape.) After that, they played invasion on the map Dig Site (previously called the Lost City of Z.) After quickly losing on that map, they went on the play the third invasion map available in the current build: Avalanche (which looks to be my favorite Invasion map personally.) After losing there, they went back and played Serenity Invasion once more. Then they jump ahead to the third campaign level and begin playing through that, revealing a little bit about the plot towards the end. After traversing awhile, the player runs into a Trust soldier questioning a free-Drudge and demanding information. After seeing Mr. Ford, the free-Drudge reveals himself as a new character named Dex, calling Mr. Ford 'the liberator,' and promises Mr. Ford answers and support (with other free-Drudge) in a future moment.

The team then goes back to invasion mode for awhile, and we heard and saw a lot of interesting things. For example, Mr. Adams is an alien and THE John Adams as well. Also, the Warp Pistol's charge fire doesn't fire a beam anymore, but functions like a shotgun, shooting 6 or 7 blasts of bio-mass this time around.

Then they went and played splitscreen invasion. It was amusing to say the least.

Then, going into part 3 (,) they continued to play more splitscreen invasion. They soon got bored of that and went into splitscreen multiplayer. :) This revealed some fun modifications like: gravity, run speed, health, and health regeneration. Also, weapon-pickups can be spawned into the map. They played on Agartha, an interesting looking map.

Finally, a short interview happened where they 'pretended' to be peppy and ignorant. Then, at the end of all of this, HVS and SEGA left the building. The live stream regarding Conduit 2 was officially over.

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog, it took me around 3 hours to write (most of it was copying down the perks and stuff lol.)

Take it easy guys,


Currently have 9 comments:

  1. this is only 20 weapons, which begs the question... wheres 21?

  2. btw lo e this review tho :D VERY helpful

  3. The shrieker is missing in that list. Those are all the weapons

  4. o lol so th cyberian blaster doesnt exist xD

  5. Larknok missed one thing tho and that was the ACCESORY FEATURE near the armor

  6. mmmm. i don't recall an accesory feature. What evs, i'm probly wrong. Also, I left the shrieker out cuz it was the ONLY gun that they didn't have the description of on a single frame of the live stream. Sorreh :(

  7. The "window maker" turret is actually called the Widow maker. :P

  8. actually its only 17 weapons and i dont see the shreiker on here either >.>. thats 18 and that means theres 3 weapons that have yet to be revealed :O

  9. what about the other two 'red guns' from Conduit 1?

    One was called the striker...basically an automatic, non chargeable version of the striker rifle...and the MK9? I'm glad to see the HVS45 is back, lol. Highvoltage makes a wicked pistol.

    Excellent info, Larknok1. Thanks for putting it together for us.

    Is there a melee weapon like the knife. I thought I saw a backstab adjustment in a vid recently but can't remember. I know you can punch, pistil whip and rifle butt people...but what about a good old can opener for them fancy armors. I'm relieved that melee still takes multiple hits to drop someone. No more Black Ops knife lunging bull.

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