Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RE: Weapon Bio: AR-C Eclipse

Posted by LonelyCitizen | Tuesday, January 4, 2011 | Category: |

Weapon Bio : AR-C Eclipse (fixed)

The element of surprise, or as I like to call it, Peek-a-Boom, is a useful skill that allows players to get the upper hand on unsespecting foes who are often picking their noses waiting for some high quality action. Among these surprise attacks comes one of the most lethal tricks: the unseen killer. But how does one become invisble to the naked eye? By holding something that cloaks you entirely, or, the AR-C Eclipse.

The AR-C Eclipse, or Cloaky Smokey as a nickname some call it, is a semi-automatic rifle (trigger masher). It shoots some sort of atlantian yellow plasma, but changes color as it either heats up or cools down (green colder, red hotter). The hotter the gun is, the more damage the shots do. This weapon is also armed with a red-dot-like site that can be used to extend the shot range (as seen in the right).

But wait whats all this about going invisible?

Well you see a special function of this weapon is that if you hold down the trigger for around a second, you can cool the gun down, thus goin invisible (as seen left). The heat bar (in place for ammo number) proceeds to shrink down until the heat bar, indicated in red, is completely gone. Then another bar appears to rise. This is the cooling bar. If this exceeds the maxium cold temperature, the gun will freeze and you must proceed with knocking ice off of the gun. The same thing goes towards shooting the weapon, when you shoot, the gun proceeds to heat up, and when it gets fully heated, the ammo pack will eject from the back of the gun (below). You must then knock the cartrige back down and pull the site over the top. If mastered, this weapon will not only help you stay unseen, but you will never run out of ammo, so you will always have the upper hand!

Currently have 11 comments:

  1. Where are you getting the cloaky smokey bit from? also, where did you hear the increased damage with increased heat of gun? I don't see where any of this is coming from.

  2. cloaky smokey is just a nickname, and the increased damage has been confirmed for a whiile

  3. Disarray! (From TN) says:

    Infinite Ammo is unbalanced, heat gauge allows people to keep the gun at maximum damage indefinitely with some easy timing.

  4. I have to correct you a little bit, Lonely. The rifle is SEMI-automatic, not full, and you have the bit about the secondary function a little off. Iron Sights count as secondary fire, indicating that the secondary fire is actually iron sights in case of the eclipse. Where does the invisibility come in then, you may ask? Well, Invisibility is the CHARGE function -- you hold down the fire button to activate it.

    Hope that cleared things up. Oh, and you're right about everything else.

  5. sorry roso but your kinda wrong bud, i appreciate the help but i researched all of this before i posted it. you hold down the fire button to shoot FULL AUTO (as seen in vid, ill post links later when i re-find them, and by switching the weapon to alt fire mode ( not ironsights, those are not secondary fires or else the first conduit would have already had them for the most part) and invisibility is the alt

  6. Disarray! (From TN) says:

    No, that makes no sense, how would you Iron Sights then? And in one of the E3 videos you hear one of the HVS staff say "and if you hold down the fire button you go invisible".

  7. Liez LonelyCitizen. We asked Tony just yesterday in the chat. We asked him: "how long do you have to hold down trigger on ARC-Eclipse to go invisible?" He responded with "a second." then he wrote "or less.." >.> The red dot is the secondary function, invisibility is the charge function. :0

  8. Well then i will re-post this, i apologize, i didnt first hand talk to any of the hvs staff i just looked information up.
    And Dissarray, shut your pie hole. Everything you say about c2 is always bad, ALWAYS, hvs should do this or this will suck, seriously dude just wait for the game. I dont wanna be a hater or anything (and neither should you hint hint) but seriously nobody really appreciates the good things, only points out the bad.... to everyone esle: :)

  9. Alternate fires is another way to use the weapon, so like the SR has both a charge and reg shot, so you see it varies

  10. Roso, your right bud sorry to try to correct you

  11. Naw, don't worry about it. If I'd put this much work into something, I'd defend my work too. We just had different definitions of alternate fire, and you inferred full auto fire from somewhere. It's all cool. ;)

    And though I agree that there is a place for criticism, there's a threshold where it does become somewhat disheartening. Conduit 2 won't be perfect, and we all know this... but Perfect Dark wasn't perfect (ironic, considering the name. It was perfect back then :D), and it's still my favorite shooter of all time.

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