Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Conduit-a-palooza! Also midnight release info...

Posted by LonelyCitizen | Tuesday, April 12, 2011 | Category: |

Well, the day of redemption is almost here. Gamers happiness meter is probably 1thousand feet above max level, and we are trying to prepare our wiis. Mine is currently at Nintendo getting fixed and polished. Anyways, in honor of the single digit day count, I thought it would be apporiate to gather a group of people who are going to the midnight release and play with each other online that night. Ive personally talked to gamestop and they said the only people that can get the game at the midnight release are those people who have pre-ordered the game, so make sure you do that! Me and Retlaw Luciferi designed a campaign poster in honor of C2 (located at the right). Comment below if you'd like to join!

Currently have 6 comments:

  1. I already had a schedule to do this. Let me start from the basics.
    On the Friday before C2's release, I wake up at 6:30 AM for school, and plan to go to bed at 2:00 AM on Saturday. Once I wake up on Saturday at around 12:00 PM (noon), I stay up until 5:00 AM on Sunday. Then, waking up at 4:00 PM on Sunday, I stay up until 10:00 AM on Monday. From there, I wake up from sleeping at around 10-11 PM on Monday. I take a shower, get ready, and my mom drives me to pick up Conduit 2 at a gamestop where I pre-ordered it. I go home, and using monster energy drinks if I get tired, play it all the way until midnight of Wednesday (a full 24 hours). I then go to sleep at that time and have returned to a normal sleeping schedule.
    U JELLY?

  2. Hey, even though not certain, you know I'm in son! WG FTW!!

  3. Wait, Lark, doesn't Conduit 2 come out on a Tuesday?

  4. @ Chariloe: Indeed. But if I wake up at 10 PM on Monday, it will only be 2 hours until the midnight release of Conduit 2 (Early Tuesday Morning)

  5. well hey guys message me when you have the game! ive got the PDP so im up for some rage ness

  6. My GameStop Said Ill be able to get it Midnight, But due to Portal 2 being released it'll be crowded... hope to see you in game!

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