Friday, May 20, 2011

For the Best of the Best Conduit 2 Players~

Posted by LonelyCitizen | Friday, May 20, 2011 | Category: |

Dear Fellow Conduit 2 players,

As you know, I am Lonelycitizen/Michael Totarella/ Oblivion. I am now rank 60, have all my loadouts the way I want them and pretty much win every match I play. I am looking for some talent, the best of the best, to join me to start a clan called Destruction. I crave a Challenge and I would like to know if you all would like to join my clan. There will be requirements suiting your stature but let me assure you we will not be beaten. Perhaps if each member could master a certain loadout (I eat n00bs with the Phase-R).


-Must have at least 35,000 out of the 40,000 under achievements

-Must have the Welcome to Kill City Medal

-Must have the Super Kill/Awesome Kill medal (members with Awesome kill will be looked at first)

-Must have 2 of the unlockable perks [ be it phase tuning (50 uber Snip3rs), Stealth (50 Backstabs), Blinding Powder (50 Lights out), etc.

-Must be rank 56-60 (Higher Ranks will be looked at first)

-Must have all of the Primary A perks

-Must have an open file space, as all member will be required to start a new Profile with the upsidedown d followed by the capital foreign T and then the h in their name beginning

Comment if you have these so i can add you and 1v1 you :D

(My baby ^)

Currently have 16 comments:

  1. This looks pretty cool, I meet most of the requirements, except for I am rank 52, almost 53. I don't have all the Primary A perks, and I only need one more Unlockable Upgrade, the Stealth. I have Ub3r Snip3r, and I LOVE the Phase Rifle. I would say I'm pretty good at this game. ALSO, WHY DID YOU POST IT HERE< UNDER THE LATEST NEWS? Post it in the forum next time.

  2. I'd be willing to join, since my old clan died. I meet all of the rquirements except I don't have the kill city medal... :/

  3. I could give you your challenge...

    ...region lock...

  4. Exce[tions can bemade :D sounds great guys. and sorry marzo

  5. and python i love your montages dude idlove a 1v1 with phase- Rifles :D

  6. I dont need the requirements to be a good player, I get an average kill count 15+

  7. Okay...I've met all of the requirements, except I'm rank 55, and I stikll need to get the Primary Upgrades (I have most of them). I'm not a crap player, I would consider myself pro.

  8. Skozothecannibal says:

    I fit all the requirements... i just can't join the clan, sorry.

  9. this is abuse Micheal. not again

  10. Michael I will castrate you and your clan. Your points for choosing are bias and you are not as good as you would hope to believe. I challenge you to a one on one at streets prime. If you win I wont ever bother you again. If you lose you must break up your so called clan and never make another. This is my challenge I issue to you. I have know you for years its time to show me what you really have...

  11. Why are you leaving us at DORJ :'(

  12. im not leavin, just bored with it. as for you tyler, I destroyed you on a 1v1 so you must now tell the world of my

  13. I have the requirements... except whats primary A perks?

  14. never mind i know what that is lol, and i got all the upgrades and armor. ^^

  15. ok guys i just got out of school so ill make a blog of ddates wqe can get together and see what everyone has to offer :D


  16. I also fit all requirements as Skozo does but I choose not to join (we have better things to do with our time.)

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