Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Fellow Member's Review of Conduit 2

Posted by Domstang68 | Tuesday, April 19, 2011 | Category: |

Hey guys, Domstang68 here. So, it may have been a school night. I may have had a lot of homework that day. But, I didn't care. I went to Gamestop and got Conduit 2 at 12:05 AM EST on April 19, 2011. I got home and put the game in my Wii. When I started the game, it was kind of like Heaven had burst out of my television set right in front of me. This game was impressive from the start. The graphics are improved like you can't believe, the gameplay is polished. Since I am a Classic Control Wielder, I decided to use that. I couldn't be happier. The map any button to anything works wonders for the classic controller. The Wii Remote and Nunchuck is better than last game, whether you have Wii MotionPlus or not. The game loads crazy fast. For instance, with a hacked Wii, The Conduit takes about 8 seconds to get to the campaign mission. Conduit 2 loads off the disc in 4 seconds, getting you to the shooting faster than ever. The new modes are an addition that was long needed. For you Halo fans, Invasion takes a firefight like stance, however, the game is much more difficult than Halo's firefight, no matter how easy you put it. But all in all, it was a great mode, except for it only has three maps that you can play it on, and for some reason, if you want to play by yourself, you still have to go to split screen to access it. I didn't have a chance to test the split screen, so I'll leave that judgement up to you. However, the online muliplayer is just something short of a military drill mission list. With the combinations adding up to 40 modes, plus 12 players together, plus 12 maps, including some from the first game, must I explain? There is simply too much to cram in this small space, so I will go for the basics. It retains the 12 players from last game, as well as some maps, upgraded to take advantage of the new software. Secondly, no more voting system. You get a choice between 2 maps, essentially like Call of Duty. The gameplay for this? Improved ten-fold from The Conduit's, which was already extremely well put together.

However, what is a good review without any complaints? As much as I hate to say so, I did have a few minor issues that don't retract from the game, but I wanted to bring them up. First off, the intial cutscenes are pre-rendered, meaning a computer drew them out for the Wii and it plays them like a tape recording. When you play the game, the Wii has to draw that, that is called rendering. Some of the cutscenes were grainy and less quality than the gameplay, yet they were pre-recorded. But not a big deal. My second complaint is that Invasion has a frame rate that can very widely. It is the only mode that starts at 60 Frames Per Second and can drop to 30, as well as be anywhere in-between that. But, again, not a big deal.

All in all, I give this game a 9.8 out of 10. It has pretty much done everything it was supposed to live up to and more, and those small complaints of mine didn't detract from the gameplay, I am just being critical. BTW, I will eventually post my friend code here.


P.S. Screw you Nintendo for giving this game a 7.5 just to promote your own software. At least HVS decided to do this on your console, making you plenty of money in Licensing fees.

Currently have 7 comments:

  1. You do realize that Nintendo Power is in no way related to Nintendo, except maybe exclusive interviews, and that Nintendo THEMSELvES are Game developers/publishers, and not reviewers.

  2. Disarray! (From TN) says:

    Shit review... BIAS

  3. Graet Review man, the ign review had flaws, cause the ign's nintendo crew isn't anymore, game informer review it but it seems that never played that game...

  4. (Sorry for this being rough.)

    Hey, as the writer of this I would just like to say "FUCK YOU!" to anyone who calls this bias. I have an Xbox 360 and could have been a real ass, but I am a tech geek and people who think I'm bias obviously don't appreciate the work that some game companies do for others. Besides, you obviously haven't played the game for yourself. BTW, Disarray, let's see if you even own a Wii before you hate on me. Plus, Nintendo Power is more linked than you think, ever wonder why Nintendo titles never get bashed for anything?

  5. ya i would say about 9.5 for my rating. The splitscreen graphics are bad compared to campaign graphics which brings down the score, and ive already found 4 glitches that happen often that arent in online multiplayer. Also, there are not many choices for character customization. other than that, ITS FREAKIN AMAZING!!!

  6. Phoenix of the Network says:

    Disordered Array, sorry for him, he is a troll and beleives all the overly negatives tests of Conduit 2 (inclusing Game Informer's, are not bias, even though they have major flaws and obvious bias in the writing)

  7. I loved the game. Two issues though, it seemed very short. I was kinda hoping it would be more epic. And also Ford just bugged me. I found it much harder to take him seriously this time around and was confused when his own in-game bio described him as a "serious man of few words" when they had made him the exact opposite in the game. That said i am very much looking forward to Conduit3ds and The next installment and this is seriously my favorite IP currently. :)

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