Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Conduit Portal is Looking for Writers!

Posted by The_Noah | Tuesday, December 21, 2010 | Category: , , |

Think you can write, or in this case type grammatically correct? Well then The Conduit Portal wants you! To prepare for an influx of future news that may or may not come; we are looking to hire (and by hire we mean completely on a volunteer basis with no pay what so ever) 2 authors!

How do you apply? Well below will be a link to an article that you have to summarize. Thats it! Top two summarizations get the job! Now for some Q and A's!

Contest Article:
Games Radar - Conduit 2 Hands On

Where do I submit my summary?
On the forum post at The Conduit Portal. Which can be found here.

How many summaries am I allowed to submit?
Only one, but you can delete/edit/then reenter your summary as many times as you wish!

What if I submit two?
Then you will be disqualified for the job.

How long do I have?
Until December 28, 2010 at 12:01 AM.

When will the winner be announced?

How will the winner be announced?
Their article will be posted on the The Conduit Portal Blog!

What do we get if we win?
Access to the official Conduit Portal Blog to post as you please, within reason!

Where can I submit any question I have that aren't here?
In a separate forum post. Which can be found here.

Enjoy and good luck!

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