Sunday, January 9, 2011

Conduit 2 News: New Nintendo Power

Posted by LonelyCitizen | Sunday, January 9, 2011 | Category: |

With only a month and a half before the Sci-fi FPS genre meets its newest, and possibly greatest installment, gamers are feeling even more adrenaline. I know I am (until of course, somebody sends my body into the neverending abyss of a black hole). And apparently, Nintendo Power is feeling the same. Yes, ANOTHER Nintendo Power article has been released. Tho much of the same has been covered again and again, it says how there would be loads of customization for each character types like drudge drones or trust agents, and even Ford himself!

"With the money you aqcuire from playing online, can purchase new head, shoulder, arm, torso, or knee armor, as well as the all important weapons and upgrades." -NP

Some new game modes and suit upgrades were also talked about in this article such as the Supercharger upgrade ( which improves your faster overall movement speed) and Field Medicine ( which allows you to heal your allies and allows you to get healed by them twice as fast). One of the new game modes that was talked about is called Annexation. It gives you points for controlling certain areas that are scattered throughout the map. This seems much like Goldeneye mode from Goldeneye 007. Also, the other mode discussed was a team based mode called V.I.P.. In this mode, players from each team would not go around killing everyone, but would have an assigned target from the other team. Seems like a team based Bounty hunter mode.

Nintendo Power sounds as though they love Conduit 2, and come February it will be our turn!

Currently have 4 comments:

  1. Isn't the V.I.P. mode from Halo 3? Either it'll be sick and I can't wait to get the game to purposely trouble myself to finding the sickest combination of armor for customizing my guy.

  2. Not even credit for the info -,-

    I was working on the same post, but you beat me to it.... And BTW, those are my pic.

    But good job any way Michael

  3. oh haha i used the ones on Tn not the ones here dude, sorrry bout that lol

  4. The ones on TN ARE Mr. Badass'. They kind of took them without crediting him also.

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